International Order of Freemasonry for Men and Women – Le Droit Humain British Federation
Mercury Lodge No. 706
Motto: 'Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re'
Special work: To maintain and uphold the ancient landmarks of Freemasonry and to learn to express in character and life its principles and genuine tenets.
Location: Northampton
Meetings: Eight times a year, on Saturday afternoons.
History: If there is such an entity as a 'typical country lodge' then Lodge Mercury feels that it is probably an example.
The membership reflects a good cross-section of humanity at large. This diversity is reflected in their many reasons for attending Lodge. These may include the social aspects of meeting like-minded people, the hope of possible inner development, esotericism in the wider sense and interest in the ritual itself.
Freemasons will tend to share a common expectation of what constitutes a ‘good lodge’, but it is not easy to convey a sense of what makes Mercury the lodge that it is. Mercury tends to favour a certain independence of thought together with a degree of self-reliance, but then again this is hardly unusual in Masonry.